Sunday, 1 November 2015

The business of me

My Day

Wake-up time? 5.50am if I'm exercising, 7am if I'm not.

First thing you do in the morning? It's an awful habit, but I'm forever checking every single outlet of social media as soon as I get up. It's more a (poor) ritual.

Working day? I'll be in work at 8am and normally be on my feet mostly all day until I'm leaving at around 5-6pm. 

One activity you do everyday without fail? Either wear lipstick, or drink a ridiculous amount of water. Mostly sparkling as it's my favourite.

"A good day is...." When you feel like you've done your job well, have been productive or have had one of those eureka moments regarding something creative. All three at once is even better!

"A good meeting is...." preferably non-existent as I actually really dislike them. A good one would be when you meet with someone who's actually productive, energetic and excited about whatever is being discussed. The worst is when you meet with someone who's clearly killing an hour or two of their day and needs you present to kill that time.

Last thing you do at night? Drink a glass of water before bed, always.

My Essentials

Most surprising thing in your handbag? Personalised custom printed wet wipes. Don't ask.

Most used emoji? Crying laughing face (I'm forever laughing), in love face, red heart and monkey giggling.

What three things are vital to your day? Coffee, feeling confident and being productive.

Most overused phrases? "As if", "Flipping nora", "Let's get this show on the road.." etc

Guilty pleasures? A very decadent & sweet dessert from work.

How do you stay in shape? I wouldn't say I am in shape, but when I make an effort I run a lot and gym. 

How do you cure creative block? Listen to my favourite jazz/lounge playlist, research a lot and importantly, take a break to bounce ideas off someone equally as enthusiastic/creative. 

My Life

What was your dream job as a kid? A fashion designer. How cliche!

Who is your greatest mentor? Life itself. You learn so much from everyone around you; their successes, their failures, their dreams etc. Soaking it all up is awesome, although sometimes even when you learn something you shouldn't do, you still do it anyway. 

What one meeting changed your life? None. If anything they instilled a strong dislike of meetings in me. I prefer emails and Skype. 

Proudest moment? Probably Au Pairing alone & on a whim for 4 months for strangers in Italy. I'll truly feel proudest when I feel like I have really accomplished something for and by myself. 

Hardest piece of criticism you've received? I can't remember the exact words. I genuinely prefer not to hold onto things like that. At a younger age though it was hard dealing with comments about my looks or weight, now it's more negative/critical comments from customers. People are too quick to be critical and aren't quick enough to be kind to strangers. 

What woman inspires you most? None, yet every woman. The women who are go-getters, who work hard, love well and always strive to still find time to know who they really are. I like that a lot. 

My Thinking

What can women learn from men? Whilst I hate questions like this as we're equal, we really should learn to grab opportunities as quickly as men do without questioning if we're worthy or good enough.

What can men learn from women? Empathy. I love when people genuinely feel another persons emotions with them, whether it's joy, pain or grief; women do this so brilliantly.

Favourite quote? "We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us." - Marcel Proust 

What advice would you give your 20 year old self? Wear less makeup, lay off junk food and be happy in yourself. Also, don't waste time trying to attract people to you; be yourself and let anything else flow genuinely. 

Success is... so many things. It's working on something you're genuinely excited about, so much so that you're constantly pulled by the vision rather than hindered by the workload or potential risk. 

Failure is... an inability to learn from your mistakes and messes. 


  1. Replies
    1. Aww, thank you! You're too kind :)) Thank you Jaye! xo

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. you have a wonderful life that many dream of, especially belarusian girls!

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  5. Absolutely LOVED this post! A quick read but so interesting! Great idea :-) x


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