Confession time: I've had a secret blog for years. Buried in pagination lies words strung together from a part of me I barely knew existed.
So, over the years I've revisited this place time and time again, to create something I too barely understand. Sometimes, you don't need to comprehend the words, you simply feel them and in return, they too, feel you.
Here I sit with a cup of coffee in hand listening to José Gonzalez questioning whether I'm sane posting this. You guys probably know that I find writing cathartic, it's almost an extension of who I am and so, I feel like sharing this with you because it speaks to my soul and I hope it will share quiet words with yours too.
I'll be honest, it feels bizarre reading those words displayed on this blog and not behind the facade of my 'secret' one. Placing a body of words naturally created from a place of creativity onto a public platform sparks fear and vulnerability in my heart, especially when I'm unsure of what my words even mean.
In a sense the theme here is based on freedom, while my words aren't in reference to anyone in particular, they do speak volumes about the emotion of love. While I feel nervous and petrified that someone is actually reading this (i.e. you), it's incredibly freeing, simply because like true love, openly being yourself is a raw, exhilarating and wonderfully unfettering experience.
Finally, peel back the layers and as my good friend said earlier, feel the fear and do it anyway.
Thank you for allowing yourself to open up and show us this part of you. It can be extremely frightening to share pieces of writing that we've poured ourselves into, as writing is such a personal thing and whether or not this is about someone in particular or not, it's still something that came out from you and the feelings that you have so it makes it such a tender and precious thing. I know that I've always been scared of showing that side of myself with my writing, it's why I actually gave up writing because I could not handle showing that side of myself to anybody and instead have focused on critical/analytical writing (although a different form of writing, it is not specifically coming from a sensitive part of me). I think it's great that you have this outlet and to have a separate blog, it's so important and esp for our mental health. Words are powerful, they hold such meaning and they can do so much more to us than sometimes physical things. Words can nurture us, hurt us, etc, but it's amazing how it's all really just figurative things and not something that you can feel with your own hands. They are just that... words. This is a beautiful thing you have here dear, and I hope you're doing well. Sending you lots of positivity and love.