Packed with history, art, diverse culture and natural beauty, Europe challenges the traveler with its density of riches. Unfortunately, it often comes at a hefty price.
Applying discipline to our diets is only the first step: the real test is the daily diligence that's required of permanent weight-loss. After years of drastically yo-yoing, how do you go from daily disaster to lasting lightness?
Diverse, vibrant and simply stunning - it comes as no surprise to admit my almost worrying fondness for this city of sheer beauty. And now, it's time for me to properly show you!
The sun rises showing her face against the backdrop of the warm-hued Canarian buildings. Birds chirp, children play and adults blissfully relax: holidaying, as it should be. Here I am, smiling at the fact this resort holds over ten years of memories in my heart.
The magic of avocados is intrinsic. Replete with nearly twenty vitamins, minerals, and nutrients per 1oz serving: I like to think they make me healthy and my rumbling tummy very, very happy.