Sunday, 20 March 2016

Ultimate Vegan Cheese & Avocado Sandwick

Vegan Cheese Sandwich Recipe

The magic of avocados is intrinsic. Replete with nearly twenty vitamins, minerals, and nutrients per 1oz serving: I like to think they make me healthy and my rumbling tummy very, very happy.

In Sydney, avocados are seriously heralded as champions of the breakfast menu. Being a cheerleader for the green gooey goodness, I ate as many avocados as I could get my grubby paws on. No joke!

Most of my inspiration for recipes comes from boredom, or when my tummy yearns for something I no longer choose to feed it with. So today, I decided would be the day for an open sandwich. I pulled on my snuggly uggs, trotted to the shops and returned ready to bash this beauty up.

Trust me. It is scarily delicious.

Vegan Cheese Sandwich Recipe

The recipe is simple and boasts lashings of vegan cheese. Yes. Vegan CHEESE.

Ok. Hands up. It tastes nothing like 'real' cheese, but it is simply delicious in its own right. Don't be fooled by the lack of dairy, it's a nice alternative and it's wholly natural.

You'll need: 

- One/two pieces of gluten free bread

- One beefeater tomato (or normal tomato, I just prefer the chunky sized tomatoes)

- 1/2 an avocado

- Houmous (organic if possible)

- Vegan cheese, see here

- Cos lettuce

Vegan Cheese Sandwich Recipe

So, what d'ya do?

1. Toast the bread

2. Smother the toasted bread slices in houmous and vegan cheese. Season with salt and pepper. I've used Himalayan salt and pink peppercorns.

3. Layer as much cos lettuce on top of the houmous/'cheese' as you'd like. Mhmmm. Green, soft leafy goodness!

4. Slice your avocado and slip it on top.

5. Next up, position your lovely sweet tomato slices.

6. Finally, one more healthy dollop of vegan cheese and several turns of pepper and salt to season.


Vegan Cheese Avocado Sandwich Gluten Free Recipe The Small Town Girl Northern Ireland Blog

This recipe came to life, and has been enjoyed twice within the last 24 hours. It's safe to say it satisfies my savoury food cravings and remains incredibly healthy at the same time. If you try it, please let me know what you think. Oh, and you guys can even pin this recipe now. Eeeek, yippeee!

Pst. If the vegan cheese recipe scares you, don't let it! I soaked my cashew nuts for 1-2 hours, don't feel they need to soak all night. They don't!

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